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Barbara Edmundson-Merrill

Residing In: Aberdeen, OH USA
Children: Belinda - 32 in 2009
Bobby - 35 in 2009
Grandson on the way - 2009

Barbara was located after many, many months of searching for her. What is believed to be known about her is that she left Sycamore during her senior year and did not remain in contact with any of her classmates.

A lead from a friend, of a friend, of a friend, of a friend kind of thing led us to find Barb in Aberdeen. Her and her daughter share a home there. Barbara is widowed.

She is invited to register for this website and join our circle of communications and to renew her friendships from the past.

School Story:

My "posse" during high school, if you will, was Myra Dawes, Ruth Robbins-Hart, Bill Reed and Judy Brandenburg.